Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ludwig Hampsch Death Certificate

I am trying to flesh out my Dad's ancestors from Brooklyn. Luckily, there are a lot of great resources. The Italian Genealogical Group has many of Brooklyn's Marriage and Death records indexed online and the Church of Latter Day Saints' Family History Library has the actual certificates on microfilm, which they'll send to you, eight at a time, for a nominal fee. By searching for all the surnames of interest in the various indices, I have a list of records I'd like to review. I hope that, in addition to identifying everyone in the families, they'll give me some other clues to help extend my understanding of my Family's History. The first batch came yesterday. Of those eight, four are of interest.

The first is Ludwig Hampsch, who died of Cholera in 1905 when he was 9 months old. Ludwig is my great-great Uncle (my paternal grandmother's uncle).

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