Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Death Certificate for Theresa Williamson

The second item I received today was the death certificate for my natural great-grandmother, Theresa (Hambsch) Williamson. Theresa died on 12 February 1925 from complications after the birth of my grandmother. This certificate does not do more than document what I already knew, other than providing the cemetery where Theresa is buried (Holy Trinity Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY). After Theresa died, her older two daughters went to live at the St. Joseph's home for girls in Queens, NY, while my Grandmother was taken in by her Godparents.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Links to family history data and "find a grave" entries

Wow! It has been a long time since I've posted here! Sorry -- I'll try to get some of the new information up.

I did change some links on the left. First, I added a link to my family history data on "". It starts in a pedigree view that should allow you to find all of Gabby and Sammy's ancestors, but note that it calls most living people by the first name "living." You can also use this link.

I also added a link to a list of all the ancestors who have entries on "". Many of these have photographs of their gravestones taken by volunteers. Here is the link.